Many of our players are kind enough to record our events for posterity and go to great time and trouble to put together videos for us all to enjoy and reminisce. Thank you to you all, it is much appreciated.
Note to non-WW2 airsofters. Airsoft isn’t a spectator sport. The thrill comes from within the player – it requires imagination and Comrades in Arms events try to create a high level of ‘suspension of disbelief’. When watched back on video some things might look a little bit naff but when in the thick of a battle it feels real enough!
Event – The Visit of Hauptmann Horn, April 2011
Event – The Boryszyn Loop, January 2010
Operation Autumn Mist – December 2008
[vsw id=”codGhxqerQ0″ source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
Operation Husky – August 2008
[vsw id=”kVpSpGpwDyQ” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
D-Day, The Battle for Normandy – November 2007
Projekt Wotan – October 2007
Churchill’s Revenge – 30th June/1st July 2007
[vsw id=”Dpxp-4R2anw?fs” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
Arnhem, A Bridge Too Far – April 2007
A Clash of Eagles – December 2006